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Writer's pictureSusan Woodcock

Pattern Matching with Iron-On Tape

Pattern matching is a detail that sets custom work apart from lesser quality products. In this tutorial you will learn an easy way to create perfectly matched seams. This is not the only way to achieve a pattern match, and there are times when you don't want to use adhesives such as when you want to press the seam open, or with fabrics where the tape will show. But there are many times where this technique will be your go-to matching method!

For this lesson, I am using Heat-n-Bond® iron-on adhesive, but there are many other brands available at your local sewing shop or favorite wholesale resource. Test your fabric first, to make sure a hot iron can be used without harming the fabric. Follow the product instructions for heat settings. I am using a 3/8 inch bonding tape but 1/4 or 1/2 inch tape could also be used.

1. Begin with the fabric pieces face up qne side-byside, with the design going in the same direction. Often fabrics have a small arrow as a directional, but on this fabric it is very obvious that the trees, people and building are facing up.

Begin with the two pieces of fabric face up

2. With one piece of fabric on top of the other, fold under the selvage edge and find the match.

fold under one fabric edge to match

3. Using the fold as a guide, iron a crease down the selvage of the fabric.

iron a crease down the selvage edge

4. Add iron-on adhesive bonding tape to the very edge of the fold. Make sure to use tape that has a paper backing and iron it to the fabric with the paper side facing up.

5. Let the tape cool and then peel off the paper backing.

peel the paper off the fusible web tape

6. Place the fabric, with the adhesive tape folded under, face-up on top of the other piece of fabric. Line up the pattern for a perfect match and then iron, setting the adhesive tape and joining the two pieces of fabric together.

7. Machine sew along the crease on the reverse side, sewing the two pieces together.

8. Cut away excess fabric along the selvage at the size you need for your project. Usually a 1/2 inch seam allowance is used in home decor sewing projects. If the fabric frays, you can use an overlock stitch along the edge.

9. Press the seam evenly to one side.

10. All matched and ready to be sewn into a fabulous home dec project! Can you find the seam?

I hope this technique will help you create professional quality, perfectly matched seams.


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